Last Place Medal

Brendan Bardakos
2 min readMar 3, 2021


The workspace of the Millennial’s

Millennials may not be equipped to deal with the high-pressure jobs as the Boomer generation, and why would they want to when someone can earn millions for pranks or posting half-naked pictures? Why would they put in the effort to research a subject when they can just ask Siri. The question is, where did it all go wrong?

Has the Millennial generation been bred on the idea that coming last is just as good as coming first ? and if so, does it takes away the hard work of those who put in the hours to become top of their subject/careers; one does not get a medal for just showing up? The idea that maybe you’re not as good as the person next to you seems to be an offense nowadays.

Is technology in everyday life for the Millennial generation to blame for this false idea of worth ?; Technology nowadays could be seen as a drug an easy way to help mend those bad feelings and forgo the hardship of trying to work out problems in a relationship\workplace\social settings knowing that all they need to do to is unlock their phone to feel good; one can say that millennials don’t have the skills to deal with such issues. FCD Prevention Works points out that technology addiction that “people who overuse technology may develop similar brain chemistry and neural patterning to those who are addicted to substances.”

So is being told that you can become whatever you want a lie and gives a false sense of worth? No better place for the harsh swipe of reality to strike is in the workplace; for the workplace, you are disposable and can be replaced in a few short weeks. John Winning, CEO of an Australian retail appliances company, has been critiqued by Millennials for commenting on his fellow generation behavior patterns and that younger people are blinded by ‘false expectations.’

Have we as Millennials lost the work ethic that was once present in the Boomer generation, or is it just the future? a simple case of more options has come our way, and we're willing to risk more in the hope of a better job and life.



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